Monday, February 11, 2008

Morning Star's Golden Ratio

by Dreamspore

Fragment from Book of Revelation mentions 616 in the third line – chi, iota, sigma (courtesy Egypt Exploration Society)

Revelation 13:18 - "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is 616." [Fourth century fragment from the Oxyrhynchus papyri]

The Greeks wrote numbers with letters from their alphabet so the sequence ( Chi Iota Stigma) in the text fragment shown above represents the number 600 + 10 + 6 or 616.

Beast's real mark devalued to 616. (
American Vision; World Net Daily; Babinski.US; Religion News; Laputan Logic)

Let us see if we can't clear some of this up a bit...

"Lucifer" is mentioned only ONCE in the bible:

Isaiah 14:12 (King James Version) - "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

That is the only time it appears! Yet, as Andrew states, "...somehow this Lucifer becomes synonymous with the Devil, Satan, the detested angel, Lord of the flies, Little Horn, Beelzebub, the Prince of Darkness, et al."

The Pentagram, or Pentacle is originally an ancient Babylonian
symbol for the planet Venus . Long before Jesus's appearance, the Babylonians discovered that the path of Venus on astrological schemes formed a pentacle which was thereafter associated with the mentioned planet.

Venus is closer to the sun than is the earth, which means that it can never be in the sky opposite the sun. If you see a bright star rising in the east after sunset, it cannot be Venus because Venus is always near the sun. Thus Venus is called the evening and the morning star because those are the only times it can appear in a dark sky. (
Illustration )

A superior conjunction occurs when Venus is behind the Sun and the inferior conjunction is when Venus is between Earth and the Sun; in both cases Venus is not visible. However, plotting the recurrence of Venus' westward elongation from the Sun, over five consecutive synodic periods, will create the points of a pentagram. This period is approximately 584 days long, each period determining a different point of the observed pentagram - taking approximately eight years, five days to complete the figure. One would get a pentagram by picking any sunrise date on which the morning star is prominent and then repeating the observation at 584 day intervals following that date.

584-day Cycle of Venus = Pentagram

In addition, Venus orbits the Sun in 224.695 days while Earth orbits the Sun in 365.242 days, creating a ratio of 8/13 (both Fibonacci numbers) or 0.615 (roughly phi.) Thus 5 conjunctions of Earth and Venus occur every 8 orbits of the Earth around the Sun and every 13 orbits of Venus.

"Lucifer" is the Latin term originally used by the Romans to refer to the planet Venus when that planet was west of the sun and hence rose before the sun in the morning, thereby being The Morning Star.

The planet Venus shows up looking like a star. This photo taken shortly after sunset with the sky still red with twilight. Note the "earth light".

Phi is a unique number, found in art, architecture, and throughout nature. It is the basis for the Golden section (also called the golden mean or ratio). It is named for the Greek letter used as its symbol:

Phi= 1.618033988749895...

The Golden ratio is a proportion, determined by the number Phi. The Golden Section, or Golden Ratio, divides a line at a point such that the smaller part relates to the greater as the greater relates to the whole.

The mathematical principle of The Golden Section is obvious in the Pentacle. The Golden Section can be used to calculate almost everything in the universe. This is the "Golden Ratio."

The Golden Ratio & the Pentagram

If you divide your body length with The Golden Section (0.618 x Your Length) and put your finger on the result you will find yourself pointing at your navel. Afterall, the number is the number of "a man."

Leonardo da Vinci used the golden ratio in setting out the proportions of the human body.

This later became a symbol of evil by an early Christian sect . The Gnostics saw the Golden Section as a fingerprint of an evil creator who made the universe as a trap for the human soul, and since the pentacle is constructed completely of the Golden Section, it became a symbol of the evil side. The Gnostics calculated the Golden Section to be 616 out of 1000. This is why 616 is the Number Of The Beast in early versions of the Bible; Book Of Revelation. A more accurate calculation of the true number would give the number 618, as seen in the sequence of Phi.

This number was later transformed into the well-known 666, a reference to the Emperor Nero. When Nero Caesar's name is transliterated into Hebrew, which a first-century Jew would probably have done, he would have gotten Neron Kesar or simply nrwn qsr, since Hebrew has no letters to represent vowels. It has been documented by archaeological finds that a first century Hebrew spelling of Nero's name provides us with precisely the value of 666. If the Latin spelling Nero is used, the sum of the Hebrew transliteration is 616.

When dissected down to its etymological roots, the word
Lucifer is said to mean "light-bringer," from the Latin lux (meaning "light") and ferre (meaning "carry", bear or bring). Yes, Lucifer is a Latin name and it found its way into a Hebrew manuscript, written long before there was a Latin language. The truth of the matter is, the authors of the bible read that this Lucifer had "fallen from heaven" and either incorporated it into their mythology, or simply made a mistake.

"Because Christians openly claim deities such as Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Satan are the same entity; confusion is plentiful. In reality, Beelzebub is nearly indistinguishable from Ba'al but all secular "gods" were demonized and thrown into hell. There has always been a difference between Beelzebub, Lucifer, Satan, and the others; however, these variations are buried beneath Christianity's mountain of disinformation and propaganda." (

Revelation 22:16 Jesus referred to himself as the "bright and morning star."

"You can see the careful editing taking place in the bible when you compare Isaiah 14:12 of the older King James Version, to the newer New International Version. The King James Version reads: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" (
Isaiah 14:12 ) The New International Version replaces Lucifer with – O Morning Star: "How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn!" (Isaiah 14:12) So, because the New International Version of the bible is the version that calls Lucifer the Morning Star, let's turn to the book of Revelation in this New International Version to Chapter 22 verse 16 and follow this star: 'I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.'" (Rutajit)

The mystery of how Venus relates to the life of Christ may be solved by the Native American legends. The first appearance of Venus as a morning star "was probably the most important single event in Mayan astronomy..." one noted astronomer concludes, "Little wonder that the theme of death and resurrection finds symbolic expression in the interaction of these two bodies" (the Sun and Venus).

Nearly every Native American tribe has a legend of a great prophet who visited them in the distant past, and who promised to return someday. He was described as being tall, white-skinned and bearded. He taught a religion of love and service, and he forbade human sacrifice. He also taught agriculture, metallurgy, astronomy, medicine and government. Moreover, "it was held as true that he made the calendar." He was known by a variety of names throughout the hemisphere, suchas Totem in Alaska, Tacoma in Washington, Ioskeha in New York, Montezuma in Texas, Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, Viracocha in Peru, Wako in the Amazon, Temaukel in Tierra del Fuegoand Tiki in Polynesia. The English translation of some of these names is the "Feathered Serpent." It was said that he was half man and half god, being the son both of a god and also of abeautiful mortal virgin. The "feathered serpent" symbol seems appropriate because the feathers, exemplifying the power to fly to the heavens, represent godliness, and the serpent represents mortality. This symbolism is virtually identical to Moses's imagery of a fiery, flying serpent which he used to represent the Savior lifted up on the pole to heal all who would look.

Knowing that the setting of Venus as an evening star represents death, allows us to fill in some other orbital symbolism. The rising of Venus as an evening star would represent birth, which is especially appropriate because it rises dim, like a newborn baby. Venus then slowly grows to manhood, but when it reaches its brightest point, it quickly plunges into the earth, even as the Savior was killed in his prime. (
Venus Ressurects )

Lucifer as the Light Bringer represents not only science but a press for truth and understanding in a world of suppression and ignorance. Coincidentally or consequently, Lucifer would become synonymous with the evil Satan - indistinguishable from every other demonic name and blurred into the mix of "that which is evil." Seeking the Light – seeking the truth – is clearly an act (by very definition) in contradiction with faith. As a result, it became a part of an anthropomorphized demon used to scare people away from truth and have them running in fear to their local church with high hopes they wouldn't be cast into hell for their thought-crimes against a very jealous god. (

Oddly, it was the serpent who (in Genesis 3) told the truth about the fruit of the tree. God tells Adam that eating the fruit will surely kill them, while the serpent tells them it will not kill them but instead make them like the gods. Indeed, eating the fruit did NOT kill Adam and Eve, and God kicks them out of the garden before they take from the "Tree of Life."

As a matter of fact, Adam, Eve and "Lucifer" were all three charged with the very same crimes - trying to be like God.

Genesis 2:17 - "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."

Genesis 3:4-5 - "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

Genesis 3:22 - "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"

* "one of us" being a slip of the tongue? As it would imply more than ONE god?

And so man ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. One may ask, What is this "Fruit " of the tree of knowledge - this sacred meal in which you eat to obtain the light of god... I assume those here will jump to answer that question


= 666 = LIFE

In Hebrew numerals, the position of the letter/digit is irrelevant; the letters are simply added up to determine the value.
Each letter in the Alefbet (Hebrew Alphabet) has a numerical value. These values can be used as numerals, as the Romans used some of their letters (I, V, X, L, C, D, M) as numerals. There is an entire discipline of Jewish mysticism known as Gematria that is devoted to finding hidden meanings in the numerical values of words. (see "Jewish use of the Tetragrammaton" and "Lamedvavniks")

The numerical value of Vav, , is 6, so coincidentally Vav-Vav-Vav (6-6-6 or ) in Hebrew would be 6+6+6=18, the numerical value for the word Chai, meaning "life!" The number 18 is very significant, because it is the numerical value of the word Chai. Donations to Jewish charities are routinely made in denominations of 18 for that reason.

Vav (or Waw), no. 6 expresses the fertilizing agent, the male copulative principle, and that which impregnates. Waw or Vav (6) is the copulative element (the 'male' energy), the primary or fundamental act of fertisilation. It is male in both its action and in its form or representation. It forms Shaur, called Taurus, often considered as having an earthy, copulative character.

666 = LIFE ~ = LIFE

When Kayin murdered his brother Hevel, the Torah records that Hashem placed an Ohs, meaning sign, on Kayin's forehead. This Ohs, according to Nachlas Benjamin, was the letter Sav. The letter Sav {from right to left} Vav - Yod - Sav comes from the root Hey - Vav - Sav, meaning to place a mark or sign. It is the Sav that represents Hashem's sign or mark!

Sav means a sign, line, feature or note... The Sav is a directional letter moving from the left to the right. The direction begins with man represented by the letter Vav and moves towards truth and perfection which represent Hashem. The Gematria construction of the Sav is a Vav = 6 plus a Vav = 6 plus a Vav = 6 for a total of 18. The Gematria of Chai, meaning "life / living" is 18. Every life and the substance for every life is based upon Hashem's truth. All Creation is sustained and maintained by Hashem's truth. The first letter for the Hebrew word Torah begins with the letter Sav. The last letter for Emes, meaning truth, concludes with the letter Sav. The letter Sav is Hashem's seal. The Sav is Hashem's absolute guarantee that His agreement will be carried out to completion.
Gematria: Jewish Path - Chayei Sarah Genesis 23:1 - 25:18 Death / Life

The basis for this comes from the following: "The sign {Sav} as a Divine judicial pronouncement was used when G-d decreed the destruction of Jerusalem and ordered the angel Gabriel - as seen in the vision by the Prophet Ezekiel (Ch. 9) - to put a {Sav} on the foreheads of the citizens of Jerusalem. {The Sav} was used to differentiate the righteous ones destined for life in the World to Come from the wicked who were doomed to perish in This World and in the next, ink and blood were used respectively. A {Sav} in ink was placed on the forehead of the righteous, denoting {the word [from right to left] Hey - Yod - Chess - Sav, 'Teech Yeh' meaning} you shall live; and in blood {on the forehead} for the wicked, denoting {the word [from right to left] Sav - Vav - Mem - Sav, 'Taw Moos' meaning} you shall die" (Shabbos 55 a).

Hashem's seal has been understood in Judaism for thousands of years and since Creation as the Hebrew letter Sav. In Judaism they regard the Sav which is the Gematria total of Vav {6} plus Vav {6} plus Vav {6} equaling 18 to mean "LIFE". Christians / Messianics regard Hashem's seal with its Gematria construction of Vav {6} plus Vav {6} plus Vav {6} to be "666" which they claim to be "the mark of the Beast."

Now, in fact, the letter Sav does NOT represent the mark of the beast. The Sav represents the seal of Hashem the Creator. Hashem's seal is placed upon the forehead of the righteous IN INK representing "life in the World to Come" and Hashem's seal is placed upon the forehead of the wicked IN BLOOD meaning "you shall die in this life and in the next world." The righteous are sealed to life IN INK and the wicked are sealed to death IN BLOOD. The same seal is used.

2012 & 666

It is an ancient generality that the end is rooted in the beginning a thing related to the circular manner of life: the end of the day and the beginning of the night revolve until the end of the night is the beginning of the day—all ends are rooted in their beginning. So too with the calendar: the end date is a direct function of the beginning, particularly in the case of the Mayan calendar which was constructed 1500 years ago during the time of Mohammad the Prophet.

It was from this middle vantage point that the Mayans affixed their calendar which just happens to intersect both the Hebrew and Roman calendars. Those who try to understand the phenomenon of 2012 focus on the end time when we are living, but the beginning is even more important than the end. The Mayan calendar begins over 4000 years before the Roman calendar begins and while the Hebrew calendar was still in her youth—the year was 666 in the Hebrew calendar, a number whose meaning has been skewed by Rome into something demonic.

The number 666, whose combination is 18 a value associated with Chai/Life, has been used as an emblem of death and destruction by the Roman Empire through the means of their religion. The Mayan calendar began on that prestigious date and ends 106 years after the last occurrence of the 666 in the 6000 year Hebrew calendar because the 666 as explained in Cabala is the sign of sexuality and it is between these two dates, 666 and 2012, that the sexual identity is being forged by the human being.

The Cabala explains the previous world was devoid of sexual energy since life was autonomous; life accrued from basic elements and each life form was independent and self-absorbed. Sexuality did exist but was dormant until the vessels from the world of Tohu/Confusion—Mars, broke into male and female to seed our world with life called out of the ground during the six days of creation.

The number six is predominant throughout this creation since it is here that sexuality will be defined; as a sign from the rabbis who made laws concerning all human activities but left the arena of sexuality completely without law or restriction—between two consenting adults any action is allowed. The Mayan calendar closely adheres to the history of sexuality from its adolescent beginning in the year 666 until 2012 when the last of the five permutations of the YHVH (26-1966; 45-1986; 52-1993; 63-2003; 72-2012) have been revealed.

These are defining moments for the human being and there is no question, as witnessed from the ethereal light coming from the celestial heavens upon the horizon of 6000 years of human history, it is going to be a beautiful sunrise. The darkest time is just before the dawn and that time has elapsed. Religion has made there last claim on Armageddon and will dissolve into the light like the temporal foam upon an oceanic universe.